The Ecology of Biotic Interactions in Echinoids: Modern Insights into Ancient Interactions

Carrie Tyler: Petsios, E., Farrar, L., Tennakoon, S., Jamal, F., Portell, R. W., Kowalewski, M., and Tyler, C. L., 2023, The Ecology of Biotic Interactions in Echinoids: Modern Insights into Ancient Interactions: Elements of Paleontology


The origin of the Musicians Seamount Province and its inferences for Late Cretaceous Pacific Plate Motion

Kevin Konrad: Balbas, A., Jung, C., and Konrad, K., 2023, The origin of the Musicians Seamount Province and its inferences for Late Cretaceous Pacific Plate Motion: Marine Geology, v. 465, p. 107166.

Toroidal Flow Around the Tonga Slab Moved the Samoan Plume During the Pliocene

Kevin Konrad: Konrad, K., Jackson, M.G., Steinberger, B., Koppers, A.A.P., Balbas, A., Finlayson, V., and Konter, J., Price, A., Toroidal Flow Around the Tonga Slab Moved the Samoan Plume During the Pliocene: Geology (in press)