The effects of highly reduced magmatism revealed through aubrites
Zoe Wilbur, Chris DeFelice, Arya Udry: Wilbur, Z.*, Udry, A., McCubbin, F. M., Vander Kaaden, K. E., DeFelice, C., Ziegler, K., Ross D. K., McCoy T. J., Gross J., Barnes J. J., Dygert N., Zeigler R. A., Turrin B. D., and McCoy, C. (2022). The effects of highly reduced magmatism revealed through aubrites. Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 1–34, doi: 10.1111/maps.13823
Simon Jowitt: Mudd, G. M. & Jowitt, S. M. (2022) The New Century for Nickel Resources, Reserves and Mining: Reassessing the Sustainability of the Devil’s Metal. Economic Geology,
Minerals for future low- and zero-CO2 energy and transport technologies