Wanda Taylor

Professor of Geology

Structural Geology, Tectonics, and Neotectonics

Office: LFG 213
Email: wanda.taylor@unlv.edu


Ph.D. – University of Utah: 1989

Research interests:

My primary research interests are in regional tectonics, both contractional and extensional, and in faulting and faulting processes. In studying faults and tectonics, I use the absolute and relative timing of deformation, fault geometries, and fault kinematics to develop models of faulting and regional tectonism.

Selected Publications:

Cashman, P., DeVilla, D., Taylor, W.J., Davydov, V., and Trexler, J., 2011, Late Paleozoic contractional and extensional deformation at Edna Mountain, Nevada: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 123, p. 651-668, first published on October 18, 2010, doi:10.1130/B30247.1

Luke, B., Murvosh, H., Kittipongdaja, P., Karasa, A., Tamrakar, P., Taylor, W. J., 2010,  Rayleigh-wave dispersion curves for long, linear arrays at a predominantly-gravel site: Proceedings, Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems (SAGEEP), 23rd Annual Meeting [CD-ROM].  Denver: Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society.  pp. 742-750.

Luke, B., Murvosh, H., Taylor, W., and Wagoner, J., 2010, Characteristic shear velocity profiles for predominant sediment fill units in the Las Vegas Basin: In D. Fratta, A. J. Puppala and B. Muhunthan (eds.), GeoFlorida 2010,  Advances in Analysis, Modeling, and Design, Geotechnical Special Publication 199 [CD-ROM]:  American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA.  ISBN 978-0-7844-1095-0.  pp 1313-1320.

Luke, B., Murvosh, H., Taylor, W., and Wagoner, J., 2009, Three-dimensional modeling of shallow shear-wave velocities for Las Vegas, Nevada using sediment type: Journal of Earth Science, v. 20, p. 555-562.

Courses taught:

GEOL 100: Natural Disasters
GEOL 135/335: Nonrenewable Natural Resources
GEOL 341: Structural Geology
GEOL 348: Field Geology I
GEOL 370: Intermediate Field Geology
GEOL 372: Advanced Field Geology
GEOL 444/644: Tectonics of Orogenic Belts
GEOL 449/649: Geochronology
GEOL 493: Advanced Topics (undergraduate study)
GEOL 496/796: Tectonics and Magmatism
GEOL 701: Research Methods
GEOL 744: Tectonics and Structures/Neotectonics
GEOL 745: Advanced Structural Geology
GEOL 793: Independent Study
GEOL 795: Poster Presentations and Time Management
GEOL 796: Mineral Preparation Techniques