Hydrogeology, Hydrology, Contaminant Transport by Groundwater
Office: LFG 205
Telephone: (702) 895-3553
Email: dave.kreamer@unlv.edu
Dave Kreamer’s CV
Ph.D. – University of Arizona: 1982
Dr. Kreamer has carried out research on many water related topics, particularly the fate and transport of environmental contaminants, non-aqueous phase liquids, vadose zone hydrology, radioactive waste disposal, groundwater hydrology, landfills, monitoring well design, and groundwater dependent ecosystem sustainability in U.S. National Parks and public lands. Dave’s research includes work on water and international security, maintaining good water quality supply for people and ecosystems particularly in economically developing regions, combating environmental contamination, and water quality and quantity analysis and improvement. He has been an invited lecturer and keynote speaker at many conferences including testimony before the United States Congress, the U.S. Nuclear regulatory Commission, and has addressed the United Nations General Assembly. He also has given over 150 invited lectures and keynote addresses with presentations at over 50 Universities,. He has been an invited speaker in Europe, Asia, the Caribbean, Pacific island nations, South America, Africa and the Middle East.
Dr. Kreamer has been an external peer reviewer for risk assessment and remediation methodologies at many places throughout the world, including the Rocky Flats Plant, Colorado, USA as part of the Rocky Mountain Consortium, and has been an external peer reviewer for the Early Site Suitability documentation for the hydrology of Yucca Mountain, a proposed high-level nuclear waste disposal facility in Nevada, USA. He has worked at many CERCLA and RCRA sites, including Johnston Atoll in the Pacific Ocean, and was a 1997 recipient of the Joseph Malone Fellowship. He has authored over 65 professional publications, recently co-authoring the 3rd Edition of the textbook “Contaminant Hydrogeology” and new edition of a second textbook “Applied Hydrogeology” (Waveland Press). David has served as a professional consultant/ expert witness, representing various groups, including for Native American tribes.
Dr. Kreamer has visited and hiked the Grand Canyon, other National Parks, and natural areas since the sixties, began initial sampling in the early 1970’s, and has been an oarsman and paddler on the Colorado River, through the Grand Canyon, since the early 1980’s. Support and cooperation for Dr. Kreamer’s research on spring sustainability has been received from many groups, including the National Park Service, Native American tribes, the non-profit Grand Canyon Association, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Selected Research Publications and Textbooks:
Fetter, C.W. and D.K. Kreamer, 2021 (electronic), 2022 (print). Applied Hydrogeology, 5th Edition. Waveland Press, 625 pages. https://www.waveland.com/browse.php?t=732&r=a|954
Kreamer, D.K, 2021. The Pitfalls, Perils, and Promise of Hydrophilanthropy. Groundwater, 59 (4): 470-471. PMID: 34080693, DOI: 10.1111/gwat.13112
Kreamer, D.K., Ball, D.M., Re, V., Simmons, C.T., Bothwell, T., Verweij, H.J.M., Mukherjee, A. and M.F. Moreau 2020. The Future of Groundwater Science and Research. In: Global Groundwater, Mukherjee et al. eds., Elsevier, 19 pages. ISBN 9780128181720.
Al-Dabbas, M.A., Kreamer D.K., Al-Shammari, A.A., and A.M. Jwad 2020. Management Of Bai Hassan Unconfined Aquifer , Lesser Zab River Basin, Kurdistan Region, Iraq Using A Groundwater Modeling Approach, Iraqi Geological Journal. Vol.53, 2B, 2020. pp. 1-23. ISSN 2414-6064 http://igj-iraq.org/igj/index.php/igj/issue/view/16
Fetter, C.W., Boving T., and Kreamer D.K., 2017. Contaminant Hydrogeology, 3rd Edition. Published by Waveland Press, 647 pp. ISBN 978-157766-583-0.
Courses Taught:
Graduate Courses:
GEOL 700/WRM 700: Hydroscience
WRM 706: Water Resources Management Seminar
GEOL 711 Principles of Hydrology and Hydraulics
GEOL 715/WRM 715: Advanced Hydrogeology
GEOL 719/WRM 719: Soil Water Management
GEOL 790/WRM 790: Hazard Waste Site Assessment
GEOL 790/WRM 790: Hydrology Field Camp
GEOL 790/WRM 790: Hazard Site Assessment/Remediation
Undergraduate Courses:
GEOL 100: Natural Disasters
GEOG 103: Physical Geography of the Earth’s Environment
GEOL 334 Environmental Geology
GEOL 474-674 Hydrogeology
GEOL 475-675 Contaminant Hydrogeology