Information for Student Presenters
If you are a student presenter at the 2016 GeoSymposium, please click here to register. If you are presenting as a group, each presenter has to register, however, only one abstract needs to be submitted for the group.
To Prepare Your Abstract:
- Please complete the following Abstract template:
2016 Abstract submission form - Save the Word document as:
"LAST NAME OF 1st AUTHOR_GSP_Abstract_poster OR talk"
(depending on which one you choose)
For a poster: Smith_GSP_Abstract_poster - Email your saved file to: with the subject line: "Last Name of 1st Author, Abstract 2016"
To Prepare a Poster:
- Posters should be 36 inches high x 36 inches wide, and easily read from 6 feet away.
- Font sizes:
- Paragraphs and figure captions: at least 24-point font
- Headers: at least 36-point font
- At the top of the poster, indicate the title and authors
- Your poster should be well-organized, professional, and self-explanatory
- Be prepared to discuss and present your research to those who visit your poster
- Your presentation must cover the material described in your abstract.
To Prepare an Oral Presentation:
- Please prepare your talk using Microsoft PowerPoint and save it onto a USB thumb drive
- You will be allotted a total of 15 minutes for your presentation, including 3 minutes for questions
- A computer (MS Windows), computer projector, and screen will be provided for oral presentations. Slide projectors, overhead projectors and multiple screens will not be available.
- Your presentation must cover the material described in your abstract.