1.0B Soil Change in Anthropocence
In the last 300 years, referred to as the Anthropocene, human impact on
land has affected the course of soil formation and changed soil properties
and landscape conditions. Symposium will evaluate quantification of such
human-induced changes to improve our identification, classification, use
and management of soils.
Convenor: Victor Targulian (Russia) email: targul@centro.ru
Co-convenor: Hari Eswaran (USA) email: hari.eswaran@usda.gov
1.0WB Wetlands: Science and Management
Increasing population and population density intensifies land use and
management of wetlands. Sustaining the quality of wetlands requires development
of new methods and instrumentation to evaluate anthropogenic impacts on
wetland biogeochemistry, properties and function. Symposium will present
emerging basic and applied research issues related to wetland identification,
management, preservation, engineering and technology, degradation control,
and remediation, reclamation, and reconstruction.
Convenor: R. K. Reddy (USA) email: krr@ufl.edu
Co-convenor: Michael Vepraskas (USA) email: michael_vepraskas@ncsu.edu
1.2A Spatial, Societal and Environmental Aspects of Pedodiversity
A movement for the preservation and conservation management of rare and
unique kinds of soils is needed, not only because of purely scientific
and environmental reasons, but for preservation and discovery of new antibiotic
materials and compounds. Currently less than half of the land area is
being used for growing food, feed, and fiber. The pedodiversity of the
remaining forests, savannas, and unused open areas are equally valuable,and
their soils need to be better recorded and preserved.
Convenor: Robin Thwaites (Australia) email: R.Thwaites@qut.edu.au
Co-convenor: Jonathan Phillips (USA) email: jdp@pop.uky.edu
1.2B Soil System Behavior in Time
Engineering and agricultural uses of soils have existed for nearly 10,000
years and further anthropogenic demands on soils continue to expand. Yet
we have relatively little quantitative understanding about the impact
of management decisions on soil function,quality,and resilience over time.
This symposium will consider the science of soil change and its status
as a function of chronology under anthropogenic management impacts.
Convenor: Peter Shaad (Germany) email: schad@wzw.tum.de
Co-convenor: Oliver Chadwick (USA) email: oac@geog.ucsb.edu
1.3A New Frontiers in Soil Genesis
Modern concepts of soil genesis and major advances in soil classification
have come about in the last half of the 20th century. This symposium will
include new biochemical studies being conducted to quantify pedogenic
changes as a function of chronology and the application of such knowledge
to predict and manage soil and ecosystem changes for a growing global
Convenor: Ahmet R. Mermut (Canada) email: mermut@pedology.net
Co-convenor: Janis Boettinger (USA) email: jlboett@cc.usu.edu
1.3B Essence Diagnostic and Time-Scales of Natural and Human-Induced
Pedogenic Processes
Symposium will encompass the different aspects of pedogenesis as a global
process involving complex combinations of individual pedogenic processes.
Detailed knowledge is needed on pedogenic processes to define their diagnostics,
rates, time- scales, and reversibility-irreversibility so as to understand
soil formation, evolution and/or degradation and predict possible soil
changes in the foreseeable future under the different natural and anthropogenic
Convenor: Ganlin Zhang (P. R. China) email: gizhang@issas.ac.cn
Co-convenor: Angel Faz Cano (Spain) email: angel.fazcano@upct.es
Co-convenor: J. Gelberaight (USA) email: ttcf@vt.edu
1.3PA Andisols and Related Soils
This symposium is intended to address the latest information on Andisol
genesis, processes, interactions between organic matter and short range
order minerals, analytical problems, regional distribution and landscape
relations.It will include influences of human activity, and consequences
for soil protection, land use planning and management.
Convenor: Olafur Arnalds (Iceland) email: ola@rala.is
Co-convenor: Reinhold Jahn (Germany) email: jahn@landw.uni-halle.de
Co-convenor: Peter Buurman (Netherlands) email: Peter.Buurman@wur.nl
1.3PB Arid Soils: Genesis, Geomorphology, and Geoarchaeology
Symposium addresses the genesis, geomorphology, and geoarchaeology of
arid soils. These soils occupy about one-third of the Earth's land surface,
are sources and sinks of atmospheric CO2 and global dust, support ecosystems
with high biodiversity of plants and animals and are also expanding in
aerial extent due to anthropogenic land practices.
Convenor: S. Khresat (Jordan) email: skhresat@just.edu.jo
Co-convenor: Patrick Drohan (USA) email: patrick.drohan@ccmail.nevada.edu
1.3PC Pedogenesis and Weathering in Humid Tropics
Soils of humid tropics and subtropics occupy a total area about 2500 millions
ha or 25 % of the land surfaces. The symposium will focus on understanding
the ancient and current pedogenic processes in the humid tropics from
a geology, petrology, and clay mineralogy perspective.
Convenor: M. Rosas Ribeiro (Brazil) email: rosas@truenet.com.br
Co-convenor: Carmen Masutti (Brzil) email: csm508@mail.usask.ca
1.3PD Soils on Limestones: Their Properties, Genesis, and Role
in Human Societies
Soils on limestones are globally widespread. They are soils of many early
civilizations, and are important agricultural resources. This symposium
will address different aspects of soils on limestones including morphological,
mineralogical, physical, chemical, and biological properties, and pedogenesis.
Convenor: Zbigniew Zagorsky (Poland) email: zagorski@delta.sggw.waw.pl
Co-convenor: Sergey Goryachkin (Russia) email: sergey.gor@mail.ru
Co-convenor: Mike Singer (USA) email: mjsinger@ucdavis.edu
1.5B Soil Sampling in Space and Time
Symposium will address problems associated with soil sampling in the joint
space-time domain. There is a need for extending the vast body of theory,
methods, and applications for designing and optimizing soil sampling schemes
in space to the joint space-time domain because soil variation over time
is entirely different from soil variation over space; problems occur at
spatial and temporal scales, ranging from centimeters to kilometers and
from hours to decades.
Convenor: Gerard Heuvelink (Netherlands) email: gerard.heuvelink@wur.nl
Co-convenor: Jan M. H. Hendrickx (USA) email: hendrick@nmt.edu
1.6A Imprint of Environmental Change on Paleosols
Symposium will focus on current issues in paleopedological studies such
as paleosols and environmental changes, Pedostratigraphy and soil mapping,
rates of soil forming processes, chronological dating, paleosols as part
of our cultural heritage, and paleosols and archeology. Paleopedology
is a multidisciplary and interdisciplinarity science that bridges many
different disciplines.
Convenor: Edoardo A. C. Costantini (Italy) email: costantini@issds.it
Co-convenor: Alexander O. Makeev (Russia) email: makeev@fadr.msu.ru
Co-convenor: Francesco Malucelli (Italy) email:
1.6B Amozonian Dark Earth Soils (Terra Preta and Terra Preta
Nova): A Tribute to Wim Sombroek
Wim Sombroek in his monumental Soils of the Amazon (1966) not only provided
the baseline for the soils of this enormously significant region, but
also brought the anthropogenic terra preta (black earth) and terra mulata
(brown earth) soils to the attention of the outside world. The symposium
will focus around the following themes: Amazonian dark earth soils and
global climate; implications for soil fertility and land use; and understanding
how these soils form and persist in the landscape.
Convenor: A. M. G. A. WinklerPrins (USA) email: antoinet@msu.edu
Co-convenor: W. I. Woods (USA) email: wwoods@siue.edu
2.0A Synchrotron Spectromicroscopy of Particulate Matter Affecting
Air, Water & Soil Quality
Synchrotron-based spectromicroscopy is an emerging research technique
suited to chemical investigation of particulate matter affecting air,
water and soil quality permitting detailed chemical characterization at
micron and submicron spatial resolution. This symposium will evaluate
particulate matter research by synchrotron-based spectromicroscopy, the
role of particulates in surface and subsurface water quality, and soil
micro-environments in contact with plants and micro-organisms.
Convenor: Will Bleam (USA) email: wfbleam@wisc.edu
Co-convenor: Paul Bertsch (USA) email: bertsch@srel.edu
2.0B Innovative Technologies in Rhizosphere Research
This symposium will examine innovative technologies for agriculture and
environmental management that arise from or pertain to the study of physical,
chemical, and biological processes in the rhizosphere, i.e. the volume
of soil around living roots that is influenced by root activity. It will
also address novel experimental approaches for studying the rhizosphere
to foster new interdisciplinary collaborations among scientists who are
working on various aspects of this research topic.
Convenor: Philippe Hinsinger (France) email: philippe.hinsinger@ensam.inra.fr
Co-convenor: David Crowley (USA) email: crowley@mail.ucr.edu
2.0W Emerging Methods to Examine Metal Speciation and Bioavailability
in Soils
This symposium will focus on new techniques, broadly classified as biological,
geochemical, and modeling, to determine the speciation and bioavailability
of metals in soils. Examples of specific methods under these three classifications
could include:
Lux-based bioassays, hyphenated analytical speciation techniques (e.g.,
FFF-ICP-MS), spectroscopic techniques (e.g., XAS), mineralogical residence-phase
determinations, and terrestrial applications of the biotic ligand model.
Convenor: LaDonna Choate (USA) email: lchoate@usgs.gov
Co-convenor: James Ranville (USA) email: jranvill@mines.edu
Co-convenor: Kathleen Smith (USA) email: ksmith@usgs.gov
2.0P Measurement, Occurrence, and Transport of Radionuclides
in Soils and Sediments
and their Transfer Soil remediation at sites with low-levels of radionuclide
contamination is a major cost to society today. In the symposium, we will
discuss the behavior of radionuclides in surficial terrestrial environments,
including the physical, chemical and mineralogic speciation of radioactive
contaminants, radionuclide-analog studies, natural attenuation processes
and in-situ remediation methods, and bioremediation to reduce soil contamination.
Convenor: Edward Landa (USA) email: erlanda@usgs.gov
Co-convenor: Shigeo Uchida (Japan) email: s_uchida@nirs.go.jp
2.1A Soil Structuring as a Dynamic Process and Particles Transfer
Symposium focuses on the quantification of soil structure and changes
following the agricultural activity and seasonal dynamics, with the goal
of proposing indicators of soil structure quality and quantifying soil
degradation(loss of structure stability, compaction, crusting, salinization,
etc.). The development of modeling approaches and databases will be emphasized
to predict changes in physical soil properties (soil structure quality)
due to agricultural activities.
Convenor: Marcello Pagliai (Italy) email: pagliai@issds.it
Co-convenor: Thomas Baumgartl (Australia) email: t.baumgartl@earth.uq.edu.au
2.1B Soil Hydrology, Structure, and Micromorphic Propoerties
(Soil Porous System)
Symposium focuses on interactive research among soil hydrology, soil structure
and soil micromorphology. The presentations will elucidate a better understanding
of the relationships between aggregation, n-modal porosity, configuration
of pores and soil hydraulic properties. The quantification of the size,
continuity, connectivity, orientation and irregularity of pores allows
a more precise modeling of soil water movement and solute transport as
applied to soil hydraulic functions and preferential flow.
Convenor: Miroslav Kutilek (Czech Republic) email: kutilek@ecn.cz
Co-convenor: Fabio Terribile (Italy) email: terribil@unina.it
2.2A Soil Organic Matter: Stabilization and Carbon Sequestration
Symposium will provide a forum to present:the most recent advancements
on carbon sequestration; review and summarize methods of evaluating carbon
sequestration in soils at different spatial and temporal scales; stimulate
new and advanced biological and chemical technologies for enhancing organic
carbon levels in soils and; develop new methods for proper extrapolation
(upscaling) of point/field-results on carbon sequestation to landscapes,
biomes and pedosphere, inferences.
Convenor: Alessandro Piccolo (Italy) email: alpiccol@unina.it
Co-convenor: Alvin Smucker (USA) email: smucker@msu.edu
Co-convenor: Ingrid Kögel-Knabner (Germany) email: koegel@wzw.tum.de
2.3A Microbial Habitat: Evolution, Structure and Distribution
in Soils
Soil structure and microbial habitat are central to functioning of soils.
Because of the high microbial diversity, complex spatial arrangement of
biota and solid phases, it has been difficult to understand the nature
and dynamics of microbial habitats. Soil physical techniques and new molecular
biology techniques are rapidly evolving disciplines that hold promise
to provide new insights into the complex interplay of microorganisms and
soil structure.
Convenor: Richard P. Dick (USA) email: Richard.Dick@oregonstate.edu
Co-convenor: Donald Gabriels (Belgium) email: Donald.Gabriels@rug.ac.be
Co-convenor: Gupta Vadakattu (Australia) email: Gupta.Vadakattu@csiro.au
2.4A Poorly Ordered Nanoparticulate materials (PONM) in Soils
“Poorly ordered nanoparticulate materials (PONM) in soils”
are naturally or artificially occurring, finely particulate minerals,
which may form at low (weathering) and high temperatures (burning). The
forms, amounts and functions of PONM in soils are very poorly understood,
partly because conventional analytical techniques are insensitive for
these materials. Symposium will focus on how PONM phenomena may control
soil properties and processes such as crystallization reactions or magnetic
Convenor: Jerry Bigham (USA) email: bigham.1@osu.edu
Co-convenor: Balwant Singh (Australia) email: B.Singh@acss.usyd.edu.au
2.4B Soil Mineralogy and Geophysics: Environmental and Soils
Management and Mineral Exploration
Symposium will draw together leading experts in soil mineralogy and geophysics
/remote sensing to demonstrate how these two divergent fields can be usefully
combined to enhance the efficiency of geophysics and remote sensing for
mineral exploration. This will lead to improved environmental management
and risk assessment. Two leading-edge technologies, namely soil nanoparticulate
mineralogy and specific ground/airborne geophysics, will be emphasized.
Convenor: Rob Fitzpatrick (Australia) email: rob.fitzpatrick@csiro.au
Co-convenor: Carolyn Olson (USA) email: carolyn.olson@nsscnt.nssc.nrcs.usda.gov
3.4B Combating Global Soil & Land Degradation II. Agroecosystems:
Reclamation Strategies
Presentations on the physical, chemical and biological degradation of
soils, and the management options for sustainable use of degraded soils
will be an integral part of the symposium. Specific questions related
to degraded environments, such as the possibility to predict and quantify
both the economic and ecologic impact of altering these processes will
be included. The symposium focuses on case studies and theoretical or
practical approaches on reclamation strategies to reverse soil degradation.
Convenor: Rainer Horn (Germany) email: rhorn@soils.uni-kiel.de
Co-convenor: Alvin Smucker (USA) email: smucker@msu.edu
3.5D Combating Global Soil & Land Degradation IV. Salinization,
Sodification and Other Forms of Degradation
in Agricultural and Native Ecosystems The symposium covers processes and
evaluation of soil and environmental degradation, degraded soil management
and remediation, strategies for minimizing soil and environmental degradation,
and linking research outcomes to policy with special emphasis on salt-affected
agricultural and native ecosystems. Presentations on the physical, chemical
and biological degradation of soils, and the management options for sustainable
use of degraded soils and their reclamation will be integral part of the
symposium. Specific questions related to degraded environments such as
the effect of land uses on natural resources off-site and fertility management
will be included.
Convenor: Tibor Toth (Hungary) email: tibor@rissac.hu
Co-convenor: H. J. Di (New Zealand) email: Dih@lincoln.ac.nz
Co-convenor: J. D. Oster (USA) email:
3.4P Evaluation of Anthropogenic Sealing Systems Impact on the
Symposium deals with the physical, chemical, and biological processes
in waste deposit sealing of soil systems, It deals with the long-term
impermeability of water,gas, and leachate transport in soil. Case studies
and theoretical and/or practical approaches to minimize soil, air, and
groundwater contamination, and to restore the internal mechanical strength
and functionality of capillary barrier systems will be stressed. Symposium
will include strategies for minimizing environmental degradation and the
linkage of research outcomes to policy.
Convenor: Heiner Fleige (Germany) email: h.fleige@soils.uni-kiel.de
Co-convenor: Wolfgang Burghardt (Germany) email: wolfgang.burghardt@uni-essen.de
4.0W Soils and Human Health
Symposium will show the importance of soils and soil properties for human
health. Relevant topics include influence of soil and climatic factors
on the content of essential nutrients or naturally occurring toxic substances
in plant products, impacts of soil pollution on human health, and spreading
of infectious diseases via atmospheric transport of soil dust. This symposium
is a contribution to the ICSU initiative on "Science for Health and
Convenor: Eiliv Steinnes (Norway) email: Eiliv.Steinnes@chem.ntnu.no
Co-convenor: Charles Rice (USA) email: cwrice@ksu.edu
Co-convenor: Joseph Bunnell (USA) email: jbunnell@usgs.gov
AS Acid Sulfate Soils: Technological Advances Enabling Better
Techniques for the analysis of acid sulfate soils, our understanding of
their behavior, and the risk that these soils pose to the environment
have proceeded rapidly of late. In addition many new techniques designed
to manage these soils and limit their off- site impacts have been developed
in the past decade. These endeavors continue. The focus of this symposium
is on the innovative techniques that have been recently developed to allow
us to manage acid sulfate soil environments without degradation.
Convenor: Leigh Sullivan (Australia) email: lsulliva@scu.edu.au
Co-convenor: Rob Fitzpatrick (Australia) email: rob.fitzpatrick@csiro.au
Co-convenor: Del Fanning (USA) email: df3@umail.umd.edu
CR Soils of Northern, Southern Polar Region and Soils of High
Elevations and Their Relationship to Global Climate Change
Crysols cover approximately 13 % of the earth’s land surface. Cryosols
are of global concern since it is predicted that Polar Regions will experience
a significant increase in average temperature with climatic change scenarios.
Symposium will present state-of-knowledge in Polar Regions regarding soil
formation, classification, chemistry, biology, and mineralogy.
Convenor: Sergey Goryachkin (Russia) email: sergey.gor@mail.ru
Co-convenor: John Kimble (USA) email: John.Kimble@usda.gov
Co-convenor: C. L. Ping (USA) email: pfclp@UAA.alaska.edu
Co-convenor: J. Bockheim (USA) email: bockheim@facstaff.wisc.edu
LD Soil Degradation: Processes, Control, and Politics
Soil degradation is a serious global issue in terms of sustainability
of ecosystem productivity and economic and social aspects, leading to
a decline in soil quality and net primary productivity, pollution and
eutrophication of natural waters, and emission of greenhouse gases into
the atmosphere. The symposium will focus on land use and management options
to restore degraded soils, improve water quality and sequester carbon
to mitigate the greenhouse effect. Speific topics discussed will include
physical and chemical degradation through soil erosion, depletion of soil
organic matter and plant nutrients in relation to land use and management
systems. Both ecological and human dimension issues will be included.
Convenor: Bal Ram Singh (Norway) email: balram.singh@ipm.nlh.no
Co-convenor: Rattan Lal (USA) email: lal.1@osu.edu
Co-convenor: Hari Eswaran (USA) email: hari.eswaran@usda.gov
SU Soils in Urban Ecosystems: Characteristics and Functioning
Symposium considers soils developed in urban environments which are characterized
by nontraditional substrates with unique properties (e.g., chemicals,
soil compaction, dust release, elevated temperatures, vegetative cover,
hydrological function), occurrence, and distribution. Processes of soil
formation will be both inhibited and elevated due to urban maintenance
and disturbance. Evaluating current soil conditions as a way to predict
future urban soils strongly justify the making of soil inventories, and
quantification of soil characteristics and properties in urban areas.
Convenor: Jean Louis Morel (France) email: Jean-Louis.Morel@ensaia.inpl-nancy.fr
Co-convenor: Ganlin Zhang (P. R. China) email: gizhang@issas.ac.cn
Co-convenor: Joyce Scheyer (USA) email: joyce.scheyer@nssc.nrcs.usda.gov |