2010 Photo Gallery

Michael Wells, Faculty and Department Chair, delivers the opening remarks to kick off Friday's events

Participants mingle during the poster session

Chris Evans and Laura Eaton, graduate students, share a laugh Jonathan Baker, graduate student, presents his research during the oral session

Thomas Andolfsson, undergraduate student, discusses his poster with other participants LaOde Ahdyar, graduate student, presents his research during the poster session

GeoSymposium participants discuss their current research with students, faculty, and industry professionals Swapan Sahoo, graduate student, discusses his research during the oral session

Jaclyn Carrington, undergraduate student, discusses her research with Sean Mulcahy during the poster session Award Winners, left to right: Jonathan Carter, Adam Zeiza, James Thompson, Chris Adcock, Jason Cornell

Left to right: Bob Stewart (ExxonMobil), Vicki Meyers (GeoSymposium Chair), and Gary Johnson (BLM) The spectacular scenery found at Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, the destination for Saturday's field trip

Josh Bonde guides the group on Saturday's field trip Participants of Saturday's field trip enjoy the scenery while taking a lunch break

Left to right: Andrew Hanson, Bob Stewart, Josh Bonde, and Gary Johnson discuss the geology found at Red Rock Canyon The stunning red peaks that Red Rock Canyon is known for
All pictures on this page are courtesy of Jordan Armstrong and Vicki Meyers, April 2010